Getting Practical with Web 2 Tools

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Getting practical with Web 2 Tools

Welcome to Getting practical with Web 2 Tools!

Hopefully you're here because you read the description of this workshop on the NSWLearnscope August 3 Workshops:
After integrating Blogs, Wikis and other social tools for a course delivery over the past 2 years, I've made tons of mistakes and discovered a few real gems! Come along, learn from my mistakes and get practical as we go about integrating a few useful Web 2.0 tools into our current practise. We'll see some concrete examples of Web 2.0 tools being used in a current course delivery, as well as have plenty of time to work together to integrate one or two chosen tools into our own practise.
In a moment we'll take an overview of the day, but to get us started with a discussion (and perhaps to wait for stragglers!), here's a question:

Can you identify any pros/cons of learning and using tools that benefit us in our work as educators as well as in our own personal lives?

Take a few minutes to read Learning Tools for Life (Hint: if you click with the right-mouse-button on the link, you can open it up in a new window). If the discussion there interests you, leave a comment with your own thoughts!


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